Smart Multifunctional Material Systems Lab
Catamaran testing at the campus pool
Casey Harwood lab

6 months post graduation:

94 %

Employed, continuing education, or not seeking

$ 64,750

Median salary

Department Events

Mobility Matters: Focusing on User-Centered Assistive Device Design

Thursday, April 3, 2025 3:30pm to 4:20pm
Seamans Center
Millions of individuals worldwide rely on walking aids for mobility, and the design of these devices significantly impacts their quality of life. Walking impairments can lead to profound physical and psychological consequences. However, poorly designed devices may exacerbate issues such as arthritis, scoliosis, and increased energy expenditure. Addressing these challenges necessitates a comprehensive design approach that prioritizes the users' needs and experiences at every stage. PRESENTER: Dr...

Neural Interface to Soft Robotics: Enabling Functional Restoration with Transformative Technologies.

Thursday, April 10, 2025 3:30pm to 4:20pm
Seamans Center
PRESENTATION: Neural Interface to Soft Robotics: Enabling Functional Restoration with Transformative Technologies. Recent advances in assistive technology have facilitated improved motor recovery in individuals with various neuromuscular and musculoskeletal impairment. As innovative and cutting-edge technologies continue to emerge, it is important to understand how users interact with and benefit from these new technologies to maximize their functional outcome. This seminar discusses various...

Universal Vortex Formation Time of Flapping Flight

Thursday, April 17, 2025 3:30pm to 4:20pm
Seamans Center
The profound impact of lift force on human travel is mirrored by its vital role in animal locomotion. A recurring feature in animal flight and swimming is a roll-up of free shear layers into swirling vortical structures. Biological flyers periodically flap their appendages to generate aerodynamic forces. Extensive studies have made significant progress in explaining the physics behind their propulsion in cruising by developing scaling laws of their flight kinematics. Notably Strouhal number (St...

The "Selfie" and Other Origin Stories

Thursday, April 24, 2025 3:30pm to 4:20pm
Seamans Center
A short walk-through of the history of selfies and their evolution and how that influenced the development of modern technologies in modern smartphones. Layered with some anecdotes from his personal journey with Apple, one of the biggest tech industry firms, Yazan Alnahhas reflects on lessons learned and how they shaped his career and reasoning. Discussion will also touch on future directions based on incoming industry trends like artificial intelligence.   PRESENTER: Yazan Alnahhas / Apple...

Strengthening Prosthetic Care in Post Conflict and Remote Zones

Thursday, May 1, 2025 3:30pm to 4:20pm
Seamans Center
PRESENTER: Dr. Francesca Riccio-Ackerman, Massachusetts Institute of Technology FACULTY HOST: Dr. Deema Totah, Mechanical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering Graduate Seminar

College Events

Meet Stanley Consultants – March 31

Monday, March 31, 2025 12:00pm to 2:00pm
Seamans Center
Join us Monday, March 31 from noon to 2 p.m. in SC1078 for an exclusive on-campus visit with Stanley Consultants, hosted by the IEEE Student Chapter. Learn about the company’s impactful work, explore internship and job opportunities, and connect directly with industry professionals. Bring your questions and your resume!

Maker Breaks: Robotics Showcase

Wednesday, April 9, 2025 11:30am to 1:30pm
Seamans Center
See robots from around the College of Engineering and make your own papercraft robotic claw.  
Leaders in Discovery: Modeling Climate Science and Earth Systems with Lai-yung Ruby Leung promotional image

Leaders in Discovery: Modeling Climate Science and Earth Systems with Lai-yung Ruby Leung

Monday, April 14, 2025 3:30pm to 5:30pm
Iowa Memorial Union (IMU)
Faculty, staff, students, and members of the community are invited to the inaugural "Leaders in Discovery" lecture on Tuesday, April 15. L. Ruby Leung, an atmospheric scientist internationally recognized in Earth systems modeling and hydrologic processes, will discuss cutting-edge modeling techniques and her recent work on predictions of rainfall and atmospheric dynamics, including its implications for Iowa and the world.

Iowa PFAS Conference: Learn, Connect and Explore

Tuesday, April 15 8:00am to Wednesday, April 16, 2025 5:00pm
Graduate Iowa City
The 2025 Iowa PFAS Conference will be held April 15-16, 2025, at the Graduate by Hilton Iowa City and the University of Iowa campus. The conference is designed to exchange ideas and findings, provide learning and networking opportunities, and explore new ways to test and deal with PFAS in environmental and biological samples. To learn more visit